Photography by Helen Kundicevic


The Body
2012. visavies_2012

Photography Exhibition :: ProExhibit Gallery, Sydney
A reworking of a body of work that are digital scans collectively titled ‘Vis a Vis’. This work explores notions of the gaze and the formation of relationships between the subject/object. View Portfolio



Group Exhibition :: Stills GallerySir Herman Black Gallery, Sydney
MAKEbelieve: Photographic Fictions brought together the work of 11 contemporary Australian photo-artists in a series of collaborative exhibitions between The Sir Hermann Black Gallery and Stills Gallery. This exhibition explored the unconscious, the imaginary and the inexplicable within our culture. View Portfolio or check the Sydney Morning Herald’s online review ‘Malice in Wonderland‘.


Blemish Installation, Stills Gallery

Solo Exhibition :: Stills Gallery, Sydney
Blemish digitally combined with a series of Rorschach-type blots and drips with up-close images of the body, the resulting images evoke a whole new world of hidden existence. An unusual strain of mutant virus? Cross sections of specimens from a prehistoric seabed? Or evidence that alien life forms really do exist? In truth, the human body never looked so eerily beautiful, its every day surface transformed into delicate, wafer-thin samples of luminous flesh. View Portfolio

Deadringers Installation, Sydney College of the Arts
Solo Exhibition :: Galleries 1 & 2 Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney
A series of portraits that explores the notion that vision and visuality are instrumental in creating subjective space.

Sitters Installation, CCP Melbourne

Solo Exhibition :: Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne
An experimental mixed media exhibition that pulls apart the traditional notions of ‘the portrait’

Serial Kids
Self Portrait #1
Group Exhibition :: Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne.
A group exhibition exploring the evidence of a subjective relation to the Portraiture genre that runs parallel to an awareness of contemporary conditions relating to the body and how it is identified through its interactions with art, culture and society. Curator: Neil Emmerson

Horseplay installation
Solo Exhibition :: Selenium, Sydney
Horseplay, appropriates the paintings of Van Dyck. The painter’s subjects are overlain with the photographer’s own representations, melding them together with such force as to dissolve the portraits’ statuesque poise. View Portfolio

Terra Rock Exhibition
Collaborative Exhibition :: Tin Sheds Gallery, Grafton Regional Gallery, New England Regional Art Museum

An installation of documentary photography and text exploring the impact of ‘white’ culture on Uluru. TerraRock was partly funded by an Australia Council Arts Grant

The Philosophers Stone
The Philosophers Stone
Solo Exhibition :: Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney & Photospace, Canberra
A series of 12 large scale black and white photographs concerned with the process of turning fact to fiction.
Mother, Weep While I Think
Mother, Weep While I Think series exhibited at the Australian Centre for Photography
Solo Exhibition :: Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney
A Series of seven large scale photographs that articulates the inscription of the hysteric’s dissatisfaction with life onto the body as site and which takes inspiration from a small piece of prose by Mallarme – ‘Mere, pleure Moi, je pense’. View Portfolio

Vis à Vis
Installation view
Solo Exhibition :: Artspace, Sydney
A series of 12 black and white images exploring notions of the gaze and the formation of relationships between the subject/object. View Portfolio

Group Exhibition :: Lake Macquarie Gallery, Newcastle
Reconnaissance: Facts and figures in the Landscape Curator: Gary Sangster
A series of photographic works that examines binary poles of absence/presence, seen/unseen, appearance/disappearance.